Innovation & Technology Study Mission - Germany & France
Explore new frontiers in innovation and technology and capture the latest businesses opportunities by joining this exclusive Europe study mission.
Mission Highlights
Gain firsthand experience in the latest New Industrialisation landscape in the world’s leading industrial trade fair, Hannover Messe, in Germany
Visit Volkswagen AG
Design Thinking Workshop in Fraunhofer IPT
Visit Innocenter INC and I4.0 Technology Show Centre in Aachen University
Visit Euratechnologies Tech Park in Lille, France
Explore Tech Parks related to health and digitalisation industries in Lille, France
Meet and exchange with innovators and business leaders in Germany and France
Don’t miss the chance to broaden your company’s perspectives, forge valuable partnerships, and stay at the forefront of technological developments across the globe.
30 March to 5 April 2025
Germany and France
People interested or practitioners in innovation and technology A quota of about 20 people
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The speakers’ speech or opinions regarding the future development, tend and conditions of the economy, industry and market may involve the forward-looking views, predictions and statements which are subject to the influence of certain risks, unexpected or uncertainties factors and assumptions. You shall pay caution and assess the risks thereof.
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