HKPC is committed to promoting productivity excellence through relentless drive of world-class advanced technologies and innovative service offerings to support Hong Kong enterprises.
This year's “ForeSight 2025” is themed “Navigating the Future of Hong Kong's Economy with New Productive Forces”, comprising two sessions in the keynote speech "New Structural Economics" and “ForeSight Leaders Panel” focusing on how Hong Kong can seize the prospects and leverage its strengths as an international financial and trade centre as well as an innovation hub to play a new role to accelerate the new journey in developing "New Productive Forces".
Dean of Institute of New Structural Economics, Peking University
ForeSight Leaders Panel
How “New Productive Forces” Navigate a New Stage Beyond
Hong Kong Economy
The session aims to explore on how Hong Kong leverages innovative technology, especially smart manufacturing, microfactory, low-altitude economy, SME development and more to unleash unique advantages and create new prospects towards the development strategy in the new year in 2025. The audience, comprising leaders of big and small companies across various industries, will gain valuable insights from the insightful sharing from panel speakers.
Master how to leverage unique resource endowments and develop modern industries with comparative advantages
Enhance productivity standard and production related industry and technique, accelerating the transformation of economic structure with economic and societal growth
Panel Speakers: Hon Sunny TAN, Chairman, Hong Kong Productivity Council and Leaders from Major Chambers in Hong Kong
Mr Vincent WONG Wing
Columnist and Media Veteran
15 January 2025 14:30 – 16:30 (Guest reception begins at 14:00)
Please be advised that the views and opinions expressed in the panels by the speakers are not those of HKPC, and accordingly, HKPC takes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents provided and shared by the speakers, and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any claim, loss or damage howsoever arising from the use of or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents thereof.
The speakers’ speech or opinions regarding the future development, tend and conditions of the economy, industry and market may involve the forward-looking views, predictions and statements which are subject to the influence of certain risks, unexpected or uncertainties factors and assumptions. You shall pay caution and assess the risks thereof.
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